October 8, 2024

R. Kelly Facing Possible 25 Years in Prison


R. Kelly could be facing 25 years behind bars.

Federal prosecutors have recommended that the disgraced R&B singer be sentenced to more than 25 years in prison, citing his “decades of crime” and a “callous disregard for the very real effects that his crimes had on his victims,” according to CNN.

In a sentencing memorandum, filed Wednesday in New York, they also recommended that Kelly should be fined between $50,000 to $250,000.

Kelly, 55, was found guilty in September 2021 of racketeering, including acts of bribery and sexual exploitation of a child, and of separate charges of sex trafficking.

“The defendant’s decades of crime appear to have been fueled by narcissism and a belief that his musical talent absolved him of any need to conform his conduct – no matter how predatory, harmful, humiliating or abusive to others – to the strictures of the law,” prosecutors said in their filing.

“Put simply, the defendant’s crimes were calculated, methodical, and part a long-standing pattern of using his platform as a larger-than-life musical persona and his deep network to gain access to teenagers, many of whom were particularly vulnerable, and then to exploit them for his personal gain and sexual gratification.”

They also expressed concern that he would commit more crimes if released. “The government has little doubt that if afforded an opportunity to offend again, the defendant would do so,” prosecutors wrote. “He poses a serious danger to the public. His actions were brazen, manipulative, controlling and coercive. He has shown no remorse or respect for the law.”

Kelly has been in prison since 2019 and the proposed sentencing would keep him behind bars into his 70s.

In response, Kelly’s attorney Jennifer Bonjean argued that her client should spend less than 14 years behind bars. He faces a minimum 10-year term at his sentencing on June 29.

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